When it comes to actively learning to rely on God, or one’s Higher Power, a God box is a Spiritual tool that can be a tangible way of physically “turning it over.” Using a God box is a suggestion recommended for all, but one strongly recommended for those experiencing Steps 2 and 3.
Coming to Believe
Learning to trust, rely on, and follow the intuitive direction of a Higher Power is simple, yet rarely easy. The God box is a tangible way to not only “turn it over” but also to come to understand your Higher Power.
The simple reminder that “God can and will” offers no real relief for some of us; we need more. Especially those recovering from alcoholism and addictions, emotional health suffering, and mental health suffering. The incessant fears, worry, and trauma that we feel can completely overwhelm us throughout our day. If you can relate, keep reading for a suggestion that worked for me, many others, and can and will work for you, too.
A Sponsor’s Suggestion
A sponsor shared with me about her God box during a desperate time when God felt very far away from me. This was a box that she put pieces of paper into on which she wrote down a fear she was experiencing (or “prayer”). She would ask God to take care of everything that she put in that box. My sponsor read off some of her entries, along with the date written on each, and a shared a story about how God either solved the problem or how that fear never actually came to fruition.
Throughout her day, when all of those fears, worries, anxieties, and thoughts would creep back in, she reminded herself she had already put it in her box, literally giving it to God. Looking back through her box she came to realize that God had actually taken care of every single worry, problem, or prayer she put in the box.
I didn’t believe it would work for me, but I did believe in and witness the miracle working for her. My sponsor made a promise that God would work for me too. Furthermore, it didn’t matter if I believed or not, God would work anyway. And this is how I would come to let go and truly let God.
The God Box
I certainly did not get my God box right away. I remember making several phone calls to my sponsor in a panic as I was overwhelmed by my ongoing fears and hearing, “Did you put that in your God box?”
Finally, I got desperate enough and grew willing to try it. You know those circular holiday shortbread cookie tins? This is what became and remains my God box.

I asked God to take care of all problems, fears, and worries that I put in there. Whispering something like, “God, please take care of everything I put in this box. I am doing the best I can, but I am so scared. Please help me.” Then I would ask God to please help me not obsess over these problems that I had now “turned over.”
I wrote down worries like:
- “God, please help me with all of my problems.”
- “God, please help me to stay sober.
- “God, please take care of my car problems. I can’t afford to fix them and without a car I can’t get to work. Please take away this paralyzing fear.”
I wanted so badly to believe, yet I still felt like my pain and problems would never go away.
God Box Conclusion
Throughout the day, if you try this God box idea, when your fears creep in try saying out loud, “Nope! Gave that to God.”
Next ask, “What do I do now?” and listen to your intuitive direction. Stay in the moment, stay present, do what is right in front of you, and let your Higher Power guide you for your greater good. It works!
All I needed was the willingness to give this whole idea a try, as do you. God tends to handle the rest without our help. It was the results of using this God box that kept me practicing “turning it over.” This God box creates a tangible bridge and connection that eventually had me intuitively jumping at any chance to surrender to God.
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